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透明层 层层波 已有237人下载

层层波 专区

  • 游戏类型:动作游戏
  • 价   格:18.00元
  • 游戏大小:36.00 MB
  • 开发商:Tom Janson
  • 游戏版本:1.0.6
  • 语   言:中文


Wave Wave is a savage arcade game by Thomas Janson, with music by Danimal Cannon and Zef.

Shift up and down to avoid the gauntlet of triangles.

"The brutally hard ‘Wave Wave’ is twitch gaming at its best."
- The Verge

"The game's unique visuals and energetic soundtrack reward your persistence with graphical splendour and auditory excellence."
- Pocket Gamer

"Wave Wave joins the hallowed ranks of those games that are just so incredibly difficult that you can't help but play them."
- Cnet Australia

"The game throws rocks in your cereal with screen-altering diversions – like skew and rotate. But none of that ever stopped me from trying, over and over again, until I forgot where I was and how long I’ve been [playing]."
- Touch Arcade

Hectic. Extreme. Addictive. Racing. Tumultuous.
Blitzing. Electric. Anaerobic. Treacherous.

Fearless game play.
Fall into 'the zone' where your brain switches off.
Overcome mind-to-finger-to-screen latency.
An incredible 8 track album, 'Parallel Processing'.
5 modes of play, 6 difficulties, 25 levels, split screen versus.

This game will test you.

Compatible with iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4th Gen, iPad 2, and all newer devices.

CAUTION: Can cause nausea and viewing discomfort. If you experience these while playing other games then Wave Wave may be difficult to play. There is an option in the "setup" page to turn off certain visual effects if the game is hard to watch.


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一波又起《Wave Wave》登录安卓平台

一波又起《Wave Wave》登录安卓平台

Tom Janson推出的最新游戏《一波又一波》( Wave Wave )在上个月已经登陆了iOS平台,被众多玩家评为闪瞎狗眼的自虐游戏...[查看全文]
标签: WaveWave 层层波 自虐游戏 2014-06-30


《层层波Wave Wave》评测:眼花花心慌慌

《层层波Wave Wave》评测:眼花花心慌慌

《层层波》(Wave Wave)是由Thomas Janson开发的一款富有挑战性的游戏,需要在动感的音乐节拍中快速地躲避三角形。...[查看全文]
标签: WaveWave 层层波 ThomasJanson 2014-03-19



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